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Causes of Global Warming...

Here are some of the main causes of global warming worldwide...

Burning of fossil fuels

A major contributor towards global warming is the burning of fossil fuels, (including oil, coal and natural gas) in places such as homes and factories.the burning of these fuels is resulting in a rise in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Methane emissions

Methane also contributes to global warming. It is mainly released in paddy fields where rice is grown, (as shown in picture on right,) but is also released from landfill sites.

Emissions of nitrous oxide

The burning of fuels for transport releases nitrous oxide and this results in global warming. Nitrous oxide is also released in the production of nylon, as well as in the use of chemical fertilisers on farms.


Because trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, deforestation results in a rise in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Therefore, deforestation largely impacts global warming.

Use of CFCs

CFCs are gases found in fridges, foams and aerosols. They are the most damaging of all greenhouse gases, and damage the ozone layer as well as adding to the greenhouse effect.

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