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How To Go Green...

Here are some ways YOU can go green and help stop climate change...

1. Quit using plastic water bottles!!!

Incredibly, less than twenty per cent of these bottles are recycled!

Did you realise that almost 30 billion plastic water bottles are sold in the U.S. every year?

Even recycling these bottles wastes unnecessary energy.

Switch to drinking your own tap water at home in a reusable water bottle.

It is responsible for creating 21.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each year.

Energy is becoming more expensive to produce each year, and as it is created from

fossil fuels, there is less of it.

2.  Conserve Energy

Use appliances such as a programmable thermostat and energy efficient light bulbs. It could reduce bills by 50%

The burning of these fuels to create energy makes up 90% of all greenhouse gases.

3.  Use Green Transport

Taking the park and ride is another great sustainable travel alternative.

Walking, cycling, carpooling or taking the bus are the most sustainable ways to travel.

Many schools around the country are encouraging their students to walk or cycle to school.

There are many benefits to green transportation, including not only saving the envirnment, but money, too.

4.  Use Reusable Bags

Did you know that using a set of reusable bags could prevent the disposal of 20,000 plastic bags in your lifetime???

Making plastic bags requires the burning of fossil fuels and the cutting down of trees.

Now that a price has been imposed on plastic bags, it is well worthwhile to buy reusable bags and play your part in saving the planet!

Plastic bags are bad for the environment. They contribute greatly towards waste in landfill sites.

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